Live Chat + Podcasts

Live Chat + Podcasts

You're listening to a live broadcast, the host mentions something, and that reminds you of something you'd like to share. You've always been able to message Capiche FM show hosts—but now, we've turned that into live chat.

Whenever you tune into a live Capiche FM broadcast, you'll now see a live chat feed. You can send in your thoughts, reply to others, and keep a side conversation going during the broadcast. Hosts get the same chat feed inside their dashboard, so you can reply to listeners while you're broadcasting, or read their comments live on air. Hosts will also find moderation tools, so you can kick people out of the chat if needed.

Then, podcasts. Capiche FM already records your show broadcasts, so fans can listen later, with a podcast feed to subscribe to new broadcasts. Now, in your show settings, you can set your show's podcast category, then copy your podcast feed and submit your Capiche FM show to Apple's Podcast Connect, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and more.

Plus, we've fixed a few bugs. Your show recordings now won't include the "Your call is now live" audio at the start of new broadcasts, you can upload a wider range of images for your profile picture and cover art, and more.